Summer 2018!

What a fabulous and sunny summer it has been. I’m not quite sure where the last 5 weeks have gone but the Summer holidays are almost over and its about time I caught up on my poor neglected blog. It has been a busy Summer, hence the lack of posts, but busy in a nice way as opposed to the hectic day to day busyness of the school term, which no doubt will hit me like a train next week! Anyway, with a week left till the madness begins and with little Miss now back at kindergarten I intend to make the most of my time crafting and catch up with blog posts. There has been a fair amount of crafting over the holidays but this post is going to be a pure indulgent look back at the Summer fun we’ve been having, my crafty exploits will follow shortly…expect to be bombarded with crafty posts over the next few days!

The Summer holidays started off with absolutely scorching weather, so hot it was difficult to do an awful lot. Mum and Dad visited and struggled with the heat a little but we managed a few short trips out, including picking flowers, visiting parks and gardens and playing pooh sticks in the river…


We loved having them here, its great for Little miss to spend time with much loved relatives that we don’t get to see often enough.

After Mum and Dad headed off back to blighty, Little Miss and I had a week alone before we all headed off to Holland in the caravan. Again it was a swelteringly hot and Little Miss didn’t want to venture outside much so we kept ourselves busy with dvds and early morning jaunts outside to water the garden (Summer garden post to follow shortly)and the occasional trip to the park when it wasn’t quite so melting hot and of course sorting and packing up the caravan. I love the hot weather and am not one to complain when we have a run of good weather but if I’m honest it was a little too hot and unfortunately not the best week we’ve ever spent together. I would have loved to have had a few days out to the tier park or outdoor pool but it was just a little too hot for us so we mostly stayed in the relative cool of the house.

The following 2 weeks were spent in the caravan in Holland where (thank goodness) we had a mixed bag of weather. I don’t have an awful lot of photos to show as most of the ones I took were of us and family  that we went with and I don’t like posting photos of other peoples faces without their permission. We did have a lovely time though and time was spent relaxing, playing, swimming, paddling, bike riding

and a trip to a lovely tier park where little miss delighted at feeding some of the animals. I wont bore you with copious shots of animals but I do need to share this little cutie…

The meerkats were my absolute favourite. What’s not to love about this adorable little fella?

Returning home from the holiday was, as always a bittersweet experience, its always nice to come home but so hard to leave family knowing it’ll be a while before you get to see them again. Last week little miss was back at kindergarten, hubby at work and so I’ve spent the spare time unpacking, sorting and running with a bit of crafting thrown in for good measure! The time has gone so quick though, it does make me wonder how I ever fit everything in when I’m working. Well I wont have to wait too much longer to be reminded of how I do (or sometimes really don’t!) manage to juggle everything when work starts again. But for now, intend to make the most of every last minute of this week, so on that note, I’m off to get the crocheting out. I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer too.


Karen x





Author: Kazzybo

My name is Karen, I am a happily married mum of one, working as a primary school teacher. I have a very busy life with a lot of hobbies which always seem to be fighting for the top spot! Apart from spending time with family I love nothing more than to shut myself away with a bit of relaxation music and embark on a bit of creativity, including crocheting, knitting, card making, sewing, running and almost anything else crafty that takes my fancy at that moment in time.

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